Patient of the Month- Quinn H.

My name is Quinn Hoover and I am living with HPP. I was born January 12th, 2009, in Omaha, Nebraska.
The first few years of my life were mostly normal but I started showing some gross motor delays. I was unable to walk until I was two years old, and after losing three baby teeth my dentist suggested I might have a metabolic bone condition.
Soon after, I was diagnosed with HPP. However, I did not let this slow me down at all. Still, I had some physical trouble. Everything changed when Strensiq came along. Strensiq is an enzyme replacement therapy. It worked very well for me and I became stronger and overall felt better. It has been a huge success for me. Recently I have been playing wheelchair basketball and softball. But my main point, the reason why I have gotten through this, is because I was always myself and did not let HPP define me. I always kept a good attitude and did what I wanted to.
Be yourself, always do what you want and live life the way you want. Even if you get knocked down, you can always get up. And keep going forward in life.
Now that I’m older, I get to tell my story myself. Soft Bones Teen Advisory Council (TAC)
has helped me connect with others around my age who understand what my life with HPP is like. I’m also connecting with people who know about HPP because of their family members.
If you would like to make a donation to Soft Bones in honor of Quinn, please click here.
