Meet Alex Lupo

Meet Alex Lupo
Relationship to HPP: Before joining Soft Bones, I had never heard of it or met anyone with hypophosphatasia (HPP). Now that I am part of the team and understand what HPP is. I want to do what I can to make people aware of it.
Joined: I have been involved with Soft Bones for a little over two years. I first joined in the fall of 2022, while I was still in college. Back then I worked part time.
What do you want the world to know about HPP? What do I want the world to know about HPP? Simply that it exists. When I tell friends or family about my job, I always need to explain to them what hypophosphatasia is. There are many people who have yet to hear of it, and much awareness is yet to be raised.
What motivates you to be a part of this community? As stated before, what motivates me to be involved with the HPP community is a desire to help people be aware that HPP exists and know what it is. That being said, that’s not the entire picture. I also stay because I truly feel welcome and part of the Soft Bones Team.
What is your favorite quote? “In ordinary places, the world gleams” – webcomic by Grant Snider
What is one fun fact about yourself? A fun fact about me is that in my free time, I am an avid keeper of exotic pets. I have a chameleon gecko, an Egyptian green toad, and three Solomon Island leaf frogs. The Frogs recently laid eggs, and I’ve been dutifully checking on them every morning. If all goes well they should be hatching in about a month.
