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HPP Connect
HPP Connect is an online collaborative community for ongoing, multi-specialty, peer-to-peer exchange, dialogue, and education focused on hypophosphatasia (HPP). It connects clinicians with experience evaluating and treating HPP to one another to foster knowledge-sharing and collaboration. The platform offers on-demand access to recorded TeleECHO sessions, 2nd International Scientific Meeting sessions, and many other resources.
TeleECHO Series
The HPP TeleECHO curriculum was designed to provide continuing education for the HPP healthcare team. Through “telementoring” presentations and discussions on different HPP-related topics, it also aimed to improve patient care. From August 2021 – March 2023, specialists presented on various topics to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of HPP.
2nd International Scientific Meeting
The 2nd International Scientific Meeting took place June 2-4, 2023, in Bethesda, MD, USA. It brought together clinicians, physician-scientists, basic science researchers, and industry representatives from around the globe to better understand and improve the treatment of HPP. Attendees shared the latest advances and discussed ongoing and future research concerning this rare disease and complex inborn error of metabolism that manifest the broadest range of severity of all skeletal diseases.
To access the on-demand videos from the HPP TeleECHO series and the 2nd International Scientific Meeting, please join or login into