Kamila’s Story

My name is Kamila. I come from the center of Poland, Lodz city. I am interested in personalism (pedagogy, sociology, psychology) and I love to do different kind of handmade presents which you can see on my blog:

I was born in February 1982, after my birth I was not breathing for 20 minutes and I was reanimated. After examination, I was diagnosed with Hypophosphatasia and I was treated in The Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Miedzylesie, Warsaw. In later years I was also diagnosed with Hipercalciuria and Osteoporosis. As a child I had X-shaped legs and had a deformed chest. Despite my illness, I have never had any fractures or injuries. In 2000, I lost my feeling in the upper, right part of my body. After needed examinations, in February 2001 due to the Arnold-Chiari malformation and Syringomyelia, neurosurgical operation was carried out. I partially regained the lost feeling in my body. In 2013 I drastically lost my weight, the body was so weak that I had problems with walking and that is why I started to move around using elbow crutches. Studies has shown that it is caused by Hyperthyroidism in the course of Grave’s disease.



In 2014 I had the iodine therapy. In February 2014, upon entering the tram, when grabbing the handrail, my humerus broke itself. My hand was inserted into the plaster splint the U shape. Despite stiffening I was still feeling that the broken bone was rubbing against itself. The plaster splint was removed after two months, despite the lack of visible adhesions. I had the feeling that my hand is bending, it hurt a lot. To this day it gets tired very quickly and hurts doing everyday activities, even the simple ones.

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