Tooth Fairy Program
Losing a tooth can be an exciting milestone in a child’s life, but for HPP families, it can be a somewhat frightening event. Every tooth lost can be a tough reminder of the challenges of living with HPP, however, for a child– a lost tooth means one thing – the Tooth Fairy is coming! Soft Bones has created a special Tooth Fairy Pillow featuring our HPP mascot, the hippo, that children can use when they have lost a tooth. Our goal is to turn this potentially upsetting experience into a happy event for everyone. We also use this opportunity to provide HPP education focused on the dental implications of the disease.

Tooth Fairy Program Form
Information is required from the parent or guardian to request a tooth fairy pillow.
Please Note:
- 1 free pillow per household
- Colors and design may vary from the ones pictured
To purchase additional pillows contact
The Tooth Fairy Program is sponsored in part by Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease